Google launches Eddystone an alternative to Apple ibeacon

Google makes a new step in the field of communication objects connected by launching Eddystone, which aims to be an alternative to ibeacon.

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Eddystone is a programming interface to facilitate communication between the "Beacons" via the Bluetooth Low Energy. With this technology, Google hopes quickly allow to make some more smart objects.

Google wants to contact objects with you

The "beacons" in the future could communicate with our smartphones. Two giants are working on these technologies, with Apple and now Google with ibeacon Eddystone. This open source platform, will have several tools to the attention of developers.

In geolocalisant a smartphone, an object can interact with the device and thus with its owner, making them more intelligent objects. The applications are numerous, it is for example possible to imagine that on returning from a store, you receive a welcome message on your phone with the balance of your loyalty card or promotion for example. Arriving at the airport, he may send you a link to your customer record or guide you to your terminal. While walking near a work of art in a museum, you can get more detailed information on the work, etc.

Google is in negotiations with tags builders and precise compatibility with Eddystone only requires a firmware update. Also to improve the daily lives of users, the Mountain View company has already announced that his side she would also make a big update his personal assistant Google Now, to accurately provide very accurate information, such as the menu, when you enter a restaurant for example.

Eddystone should cause small revolutions daily, once developers have started programming applications in everyday life.
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