Windows 10: 14 million updates in one day

During the first day of its release, Windows 10 Microsoft has become one of the most used desktop operating systems in the world. Although still far behind its predecessors in one day, nearly 14 million users got their hands on Windows 10 , with many people taking advantage of the free upgrade that allows those with Windows licenses 7 and 8 valid to update their device to the new operating system without spending a penny.

See also : Windows 10 Mobile is almost ready for your Lumia

This is a positive start for Microsoft, which has waged a major offensive to try to put as many people on Windows 10 as fast as possible . Not only the firm has made ​​the update as simple as possible (and cheap), but strongly emphasized the marketing aspect of the new operating system, pushing up the bar all of its tasks Windows users an invitation to let them know that they can now update their OS for free.

Fortunately for the US giant, opinions were largely positive, with many praising the implementation much more simplified features of Windows 8, with a more traditional desktop experience.

The firm has done what she could to make things happen with big launch parties in various cities of the world (it is regrettable that Paris was not targeted), to highlight the great innovations of its OS.

An increase in the coming days
And with all the hype that has been, there are now people who want to upgrade, but can not. To avoid the problems encountered by many manufacturers and online service providers, Microsoft deployed its installments update on the various territories. This way, those who can download the can do at a reasonable speed.

Although Microsoft says it wants to preserve the "quality upgrade experience," she mentioned in a publication that she would push Windows 10 to more users in the coming days.
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