Windows 7 still dominates the desktop OS market

Windows 7 retains its place as the most popular desktop operating system on the market, according WinBeta who spotted the new figures on Netmarketshare. Indeed, the latest figures released by the firm of analysis for the month of June 2015 reveal that Windows 7 still has the highest share of the market with a rate of 60.98% , which is yet another increase after 57.76% saved last month.

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Regarding Windows 8.1, the latest version of the desktop OS released by Microsoft, it has a market share of 13.12%. There, the increase is marginal since the OS last month obtained a market share of 12.88%. In addition, Windows XP, which is now 13 years old, finally begins to lose the faithful, over a year after Microsoft dropped official support for the increasingly archaic OS. However, Windows XP is still in third place with a market share of 11.98% - last month, he recorded 14.60% market share.

All told, Microsoft holds 90.85% market share in the desktop OS era , a victory no surprise to the software giant. Apple and Linux share the rest of the market with OS X registering 7.54% market share, and different versions of Linux taking the rest with 1.61%.

Windows 10 appeared!
Surprisingly, Windows 10 finds himself in the charts in June, with a tiny market share of 0.16% . This might not seem like much, but that number has actually doubled since February. Windows 10 is still in its testing phase, only available for users wanting to take a risk with the program Insider Preview Microsoft. Insider Preview of Windows 10 users receive a version of Windows that is almost identical to the release of consumer July 29, when Windows users 7, 8 and 8.1 will get a free upgrade.

Windows 10 is already preparing for the largest output for Microsoft, but the success of Windows 7 is still far ahead. It remains to be seen whether the new strategy of the firm will pay.
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