You can now watch YouTube videos on Android Wear

You know the world is going crazy when people start watching videos on their connected watches.

See also : An application for watching YouTube videos on Android Wear

The day has finally come when you can watch YouTube videos directly on your Android Wear shows . But given the screen size and lack of speakers on all Android devices Wear, this is not the brightest idea. Nevertheless, a new application called Video for Android Wear & YouTube allows you to browse and play all the videos of famous video sharing service where you are.

After downloading and opening the application, you'll be able to simply search by voice to find a video. Therefore, you will end up with a plethora of results that you can scroll. Select one of them, and you can start broadcasting. The video will start playing on your television and various controls will be accessible to pause, resume, search and adjust the volume.

Not so useless it
Unfortunately if none of Android smartwatches Wear on the market only includes speakers, the application is nevertheless compatible with headsets and Bluetooth speakers connected. In other words, you'll be able to play sound on any device you want, whenever you are connected via Bluetooth. However, these must be connected to your shows and not to your smartphone.

Still not convinced? Although this is a stupid idea, there is a really useful feature: full support for Chromecast . You can just search YouTube videos and project them directly on your TV without having to leave one other device that you have the wrist. This becomes incredibly easy to watch YouTube videos on the big screen in your living room when your smartphone is out of range, or when you are too lazy to get out of your pocket.

If you can download the app from the Google Play Store today, know that it is compatible with all Android devices Wear.
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