Google turns your Android device into a comic book reader

Google announced today a new update for Google Play Books on Android, which should facilitate the Reading comics on your smartphone - even if the screen is not large enough to display a full page of comics.

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Indeed, for comics purchased on the Play Store, you can now choose to view pages in "vertical view". Simply switch your smartphone to the side, and use a vertical scrolling to go to the bottom of each page and the next. It is extremely simple. It'll make the reading experience more fluid, and you will be less interrupted in reading your story.

To coincide with this change, Google has also updated its shopping showcase with a new category "Comics". This is a dressy new comics page, a list of BD organized, and so on. It apparently will also make personalized recommendations.

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As Google noted in its blog, Google Play Books will display all major comics publishers Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and Dark Horse. To promote the new features, Google allows you to download for free a number of cartoons like The Walking Dead, The X-Files, Star Wars Previews, Orphan Black, etc. Google says it will refresh his section every Thursday, so it will return if nothing appeals to you at this time.

The deployment of the "vertical view" should take place in the coming days to Android. Unfortunately, only the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Singapore, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand will benefit. On iOS, the deployment will follow "soon".
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