Samsung Electronics launches into a new niche, that of long-term rental of a smartphone offerings. The name of this job: Up2You.
Available in France, Up2You is an ideal solution for people changing faster than their shadow smartphones, to keep pace with high-tech innovations in the field of mobility. To develop this formula, Samsung has partnered with a specialist hire deals namely Evollis.
Samsung believes in the long-term high-end smartphones with rental Up2You
Specifically, if we take the example of a new Galaxy S7, with Up2You solution, the Samsung giant offers users a formula "from 27 euros per month" with a commitment of 24 months and a deposit 89 euros
Jean-Philippe Illarine, Vice President of the Mobility Division at Samsung said: " We bet there a new market segment, focusing on the service, which we strongly believe ."
Among the conditions of this offer, we can see in the FAQ that formula Up2You offers no smartphone purchase option, so it is indeed a leasing system. This offer is only valid for individuals and it will make the phone out of contract. Everyone shall have no right to enjoy, as discussed in the FAQ of a preliminary study of the case by a financial institution which scans the applicant's financial situation.
Just a small detail, for those who are rightly concerned about the planned obsolescence of devices that will be part of the offer Up2You. Samsung has indicated that there would be a parallel workover program for a second-hand market, which would also be ensured by Evollis. The entire process will be free in terms of postage, to simplify decision making future customers to go through the choice of leasing formula.